Reliance Home Comfort – Licensed and Insured

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HVAC Articles

Why Does My Furnace Smell?

Why Does My Furnace Smell?

New odors in your home can be annoying to get rid of but they can also give you a clue to what is going on within the structure of the house. Many times we turn on the heat when the temperature starts to drop and strange smells accompany the hot air coming into your...

5 Tips to Winterize your Home

5 Tips to Winterize your Home

While the mid Atlantic region isn’t known for bad winters, the Farmer’s Almanac has predicted that this year will be colder and wetter than normal. Preparing ahead of time by winterizing your home can save you from discomfort and save your wallet from paying too much....

5 Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality

5 Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality

As we prepare for the coming cold season, we stop opening our windows and doors and this can greatly impact the air that you breathe inside your home. It may surprise you to learn that EPA reports show indoor air pollution somewhere between 2 to 5 times worse than...

Save Energy, Save Money this Winter

Save Energy, Save Money this Winter

As the days get shorter, and colder, our homes tend to consume more energy - keeping the lights on longer due to less daylight, heating our homes more as the temperature drops outside, and stringing up holiday lights to celebrate. If you need your HVAC system updated...

Time for Fall Maintenance

With cooler weather on it’s way it will soon be time to switch from cooling to heating your home. Just switching the thermostat from “cool” to “heat” is not enough. You should be prepping your HVAC system for the fall to make sure that it runs efficiently during the...

HVAC Filters

HVAC Filters

One of the best things you can do for your HVAC system is to regularly change your filter. It is recommended to change it once every 3 months, but that can vary. There are a lot of factors to consider when selecting the type of filter you want for your HVAC system....

The Benefits of 2 HVAC Units

The Benefits of 2 HVAC Units

The heat of summer is upon us and we are all relying on our air conditioners to stay cool and comfortable. As with most things, our HVAC systems will need to be replaced at some point. If you live in a large home, consider installing two HVAC units when it is time to...

Spring Cleaning is Here!

Spring Cleaning is Here!

Spring has sprung and temperatures are starting to rise. Here are a few tips to help your spring cleaning routine and to help get your air conditioner ready for the summer. Schedule a maintenance appointment HVAC specialists recommend that you have your system checked...

Repair vs. Replace HVAC

Repair vs. Replace HVAC

Keeping your heating and cooling system in good shape is important for your energy bill, the comfort of your home, and for financial planning. Knowing whether it is time to repair or replace your HVAC system is key because of the costs that go along with it. The...

Energy Saving Tips for Winter

Energy Saving Tips for Winter

If you live in Virginia, you probably spend about $100 a month on your heating bill. Spring and fall maintenance on your HVAC system can really improve that statistic. The midAtlantic only gets freezing temperatures a few days a year, but it does stay cold enough to...

Get your HVAC Ready for Fall

Get your HVAC Ready for Fall

Although August and September can be warm months, fall is coming and that means it is time to work on some heating and cooling system maintenance. HVAC systems have lifespans that can vary greatly, from 10 to 20+ years. The longer your current system can last, while...